Big Difference

The last two summers and at the start of this training season, the first thing that would start to hurt on my long walks is my back.  Never failed.  Sometime around mile 10, I would become very aware of my lower back.  Over the course of the rest of the walk, the muscles in my back would just get tighter.  I’d stop to stretch every once in a while to get some relief and within a few steps it hurt just as it did before.  I always thought this is just what happened when you walked more than 10 miles.

Turns out… that’s not true.

On Memorial Day weekend this year I did a long walk and painted my bathroom.  I woke up Tuesday feeling a bit twisted and while at work I couldn’t turn my head to see who was at my cube entry.  Not ideal. I made an appointment with a new chiropractor for the weekend.

By the time the weekend came, I could turn my head again and almost cancelled my appointment.  But I needed a new chiropractor since my new job meant a new health insurance plan.  I figured I might as well go.

When I met Dr. Unwin, I thought she might be psychic because she seemed to know my habits (good and bad) just by looking at me.  Over the next few months, she has helped me correct those bad habits and improve my posture.  She explains that the pain I was having on walks and the discomfort that I was having on most other days doesn’t have to be there.

Later on in July, I met Lee who does massage therapy at the office.  This is unlike any massage I got at a spa.  The soothing music is there, but I actually feel this massage.  No sensory adventure.  No massaging each finger.  The focus is entirely on my back and working out all those knots.  Massages at the spa meant feeling good while I was on the table but then walking out and feeling the same as I did before.  Massages here make me feel better for days after.  

Both Dr. Unwin and Lee also take the time to help me understand how my habits have an effect on how I feel.  They provide suggestions on what I can do at home and during the work day.  When I’m sitting “wrong” at work, I just don’t think that I shouldn’t, but I can picture what I’m doing to my back and I’ll want to correct it.  Even if the wrong way feels more comfortable at the time.

The result?  I’ve done three 17+ miles walk this month.  My back hasn’t hurt once during these walks.  After the first walk I thought it might be a fluke.  After the second, I thought I was just too hot to notice anything else.  Yesterday, I was at mile 18 (somewhere around 9 on the treadmill in my air-conditioned gym) and realized that my back didn’t hurt.  The only thing that is different this year is Dr. Unwin and Lee.  It’s not always easy to follow their advice,  (just uncrossed my legs as I typed that) but I understand now that it’s worth it.  I am giving Dr. Unwin and Lee all of the credit for the difference I’m seeing this year.

I wouldn’t want to train for this walk without Unwin and I’ll continue to go after the walk.  Check them out at:

About jill

A not-really-at-all athletic woman doing what I can for a world free of MS... one step at a time.
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