Two days done

Second day of Challenge Walk is always toughest for me. My legs are already tired from the first day. Mentally, it’s hard to think about another 30 miles after I’m already tired from the first 20. And the second half of the day is especially tough because my body is telling me to stop and it’s hard to wrap my head around walking for another two hours! Everyone’s also a lot more spread out on the route so it’s not uncommon to not see anyone in front of you or behind you. It requires some preparation to get through.

Day 2 started on the bus with people telling stories of the second day last year. It rained. All. Day. Thankfully, today was bright and sunny and not too chilly. With the exception of a one-minute downpour at mile 16 it stayed that way. The only thing we had to deal with was wind. It wasn’t constant, but there were stretches where we walking directly into the wind. Jeremy called at one point and heard nothing but wind. Thankfully the sun made it more bearable and we really couldn’t complain about the weather after last year.

I was excited since I found out on Thursday night that the brewer game was on at noon today. Having a game to listen to would make the afternoon go quickly. Jeremy texted me around 11 and let me know that the badger game bumped the brewer game. I would have been bummed but I was lucky enough to meet Jul at about mile 8. Jul did the walk last year with her daughter but was on her own this year. We both walked at the same pace and stuck together the rest of the day. Having Jul to chat with really made the afternoon go quickly. And it provided a nice distraction from the feeling that my feet turned into bricks. 🙂

I crossed the finish line about 2:30. Jeremy and I went out for pizza and got back to the hotel around 5. My plan was to take a quick nap and then head to the dinner/program at 6:15. Despite attempts to wake me up, I didn’t wake up until 8. Oops. Thankfully I made it up in time for my 8:30 massage and to find out I won every silent auction item that I bid on. I’m really happy I don’t have to load the car tomorrow! Overall I’m feeling good. My back is fine. I have a few more blisters on my feet but nothing I can’t handle. My knees and the tops of my shins are the only things that hurt, but as long as I’m not doing steps I can handle that too. (Our room is on the third floor. The elevator was my friend tonight.) So one more day to go.

Only 10 miles. Time to get some sleep.

About jill

A not-really-at-all athletic woman doing what I can for a world free of MS... one step at a time.
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